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The Sanctuary of the Bible


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This prophetic period of two thousand and three hundred days was certainly given for the benefit of the people of God. But it cannot benefit them unless they are able to understand it. We have indeed ascertained that it must be two thousand and three hundred years. But if we do not know when this period commences, we shall be none the wiser for having the period given in Daniel’s prophecy. But there is a certain great event to take place when this period expires, and God designed to give his people knowledge of the time. The event is called the cleansing of the sanctuary. We shall find the subject one of very deep interest when we come to examine the Bible to learn what it teaches respecting the sanctuary and its cleansing.

16 pages

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Dimensions8.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in

Single Booklet- 6" x 9" Envelope (1.4 oz), 10 Pack- 6.5" x 9.5" x .5" Envelope (10.4 oz)